Lap - Incident
Initial Start - #083 Self Spin. Incident #083
25 - #43 self spin. Incident #43
30 - #083 self spin. Incident #083
52 - #13 self spin. Incident #13
Post Race Penalties
DNQ Next Week
#8 - Jeremy Jeffries
#84 - Dante Ricci
#17 - Chuck McClure
One and Parks Next Week
#15 Sean Kerrigan
#29 Brian Wolf
#083 Dave Little
Parked Next Week
Segment 2 Provisionals
#7, 10, #88, #97
Notes to Drivers
Please be mindful of proper conduct in TeamSpeak. The outbursts during the race have to stop. If you have a problem with anything, bring it to an Admin's attention post race.
We're re-issuing the warning to the entire field for excessive blocking. There was a lot of it early in the race and it needs to get under control.
Link to Rules:
NEXT EVENT: Infinion Grip
Lap - Incident
3 - #63 into #72. Incident #63
14 - Racing Deal
38 - #13 self spin. Incident #13
84 - #54 self spin. Incident #54
Post Race Penalties
#27 docked 5 positions for 5 tire stops. Laps 18, 44, 51, 63, 64
DNQ Next Week
#018 - Robert Baucom
#62 - Ronald Lussier
#88 - Grant Wessley
One and Parks Next Week
#15 Sean Kerrigan
#29 Brian Wolf
Parked Next Week
Segment 2 Provisionals
#7, 10, #88
Notes to Drivers
Please be mindful of proper conduct in TeamSpeak. The outbursts during the race have to stop. If you have a problem with anything, bring it to an Admin's attention post race.
We're re-issuing the warning to the entire field for excessive blocking. There was a lot of it early in the race and it needs to get under control.
Link to Rules:
NEXT EVENT: Pocono Grip
Lap - Incident
Initial Start - Mechanical Failure, Restart.
3 - #43 into #45. Incident #43
14 - #083 self spin. Incident #083
38 - #87 into #35. Incident #87
84 - Racing Deal
94 - #96 off wall into #27. Incident #96
101 - #51 self spin. Incident #51
109 - #143 self spin. Incident #143
121 - #083 self spin. Incident #083
140 - #43 down into #143. Incident #43
Post Race Penalties
#51 didn't serve penalty for lap 101 incident, -1L post race.
#143 didn't serve penalty for lap 109 incident, -1L post race.
DNQ Next Week
#018 - Robert Baucom
#13 - Dave Melson
#62 - Ronald Lussier
One and Parks Next Week
#15 Sean Kerrigan
#29 Brian Wolf
#43 Richard Martin
#083 Dave Little
Parked Next Week
#7, 10, #88
Notes to Drivers
Please be mindful of proper conduct in TeamSpeak. The outbursts during the race have to stop. If you have a problem with anything, bring it to an Admin's attention post race. Specifically this week, we're putting the #038 and #43 on probation per RTR Rules. Consider this a blanket warning for everyone else.
We're re-issuing the warning to the entire field for excessive blocking. There was a lot of it early in the race and it needs to get under control.
Link to Rules:
Lap - Incident
27 - #15 into #17. Incident #15
51 - #54 into #51. Incident #54
64 - #57 into #13. Incident #57
72 - #13 into #51. Incident #13
101 - #27 into pit wall. Incident #27
109 - #43 self spin. Incident #43
122 - #17 off wall into #84. Incident #17
132 - #35 off wall into #43, and... Incident #35
132 - #97 off wall into #88. Incident #97
140 - #15 into #87. Incident #15
Post Race Penalties
#57 didn't serve penalty for lap 64 incident, -1L post race.
#8 TeamSpeak outburst violation. -1L post race.
DNQ Next Week
#84 - Dante Ricci
#56 - Jeff Crivello
#17 - Chuck McClure
One and Parks Next Week
#15 Sean Kerrigan
#29 Brian Wolf
#72 Jim Gloude
Parked Next Week
Notes to Drivers
We're re-issuing the warning to the entire field for excessive blocking. There was a lot of it early in the race and it needs to get under control.
Link to Rules:
NEXT EVENT: Richmond Night Nextel 2007
Lap - Incident
6 - #63 off wall, into #083. Incident #63
13 - #41 off apron into #63. Incident #41
36 - #43 Self Spin. Incident #43
52 - #10 into #90. Incident #10
64 - #72 off apron into 57. Incident #72
77 - Racing Deal
89 - #12 into #90. Incident #12
91 - #083 hits #51 under caution. Incident #083
96 - #63 Mechanical Failure. No Incident.
107 - #12 into #57. Incident #12
Post Race Penalties
#038 - Exceeded allowed tire stops. Docked 5 positions.
#57 - Exceeded allowed tire stops. Docked 5 positions.
#72 - Probation for Teamspeak outburst. Scoring stopped lap 64.
#41 - Docked one lap for not serving lap 13 incident.
DNQ Next Week
#8 Jeremy Jeffries
#84 - Dante Ricci
#27 - Andre Mongeon
One and Parks Next Week
#12 Joe Wewer
#29 Brian Wolf
Parked Next Week
#72 Jim Gloude
Notes to Drivers
Please make sure you know the rules prior to entering the server. You had to visit the rules page in order to register, reading them and understanding them is your responsibility. If there are any questions, please ask an owner/admin/race director to help you.
Link to Rules:
NEXT EVENT: Dover Grip v2
Until the forums are restored, Winston Cup incidents and penalties will be stored here. The most recent event first.