Brief status update, we're set to do a live Beta test tomorrow night.
Release date should be soon.
Brief status update, we're set to do a live Beta test tomorrow night.
Release date should be soon.
Hey gang!
I knew it's been awhile since I touched this track, but wow I did not realize it was 3 full years since it was started. Currently taking advantage of this quarantine by firing the sand box back up. So, last time I worked on it I was really frustrated with the AI. After opening everyt…
No screenshots this time, but we finally had some free time to tinker some more with our new build and learn some new things. We had, and then subsequently lost, a good working AI. But we're getting there. We will soon add more visuals once the AI issues get worked out. No ETA as of yet for the …
Added more objects today, textured some billboards, worked on pit road a bit while I was at it. And officially unveiling our Team KRAUT special feature to be included in our tracks, meet Gumby, TK On-Track Official.
We tinkered the last week or so with some cosmetics. We added some foliage, cleaned up some walls and fences, We also settled, designed, but have not tested our signature feature that will be in all tracks we produce, to be released at a later date. Last but not least, we gave Mark his billboard.…
We've touched up a few things, added the banking, and threw some objects down as we prepare to do the rest of the environment. Here's how pit road entry is shaping up.
Basic graphical layout & preview:
Screenshot of our house car on the finish line:
Up next we will attempt to add a few objects to the facility, and some other basic items.
We ask, if you find it in your kindest of hearts, to please donate to our organization. Anything over $50 gets your name on the real race car, nothing extravagant, but it's the thought that counts.
Thanks for your support through our years.